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Big news people. DMC is embarking on a new frontier — the universe.
Come again?

No no, you heard me. Our heads have been in the clouds so long we figured we might as well embrace it, right?  Plus, it’s really too hot down here on Earth, so the non-physical realm seemed like a refreshing place to find ourselves at the end of this scorching summer.  
Although I’m not an actual astrologist (← disclaimer), I’ve done my research, pulled together some planetary factoids and crafted my very first horoscope. Yes people, we’re talking astrology!
This is especially exciting because the stars (hah!) of the first ever DMC Astrol.IG are none other than the most misunderstood creatures on the astrological chart — Virgos. I love Virgos (a. because I am one, but b.) because they’re notoriously difficult to figure out. They of course know this, but have learned how to deal. 
PSA for all you other signs reading this: my advice to you this month is to latch onto the Virgos  in your office. Don’t let their opinionated nature scare you away. They’re not cold, they’re just more careful about getting close to others.  But according to the sky, right now is pretty much their time to shine. This month, Virgo is synonymous with money & moves. Literally the planets could not be in a better position for these already intense go getters.


So listen up, Virgos — it’s time.  

Everybody knows that Virgos make great employees (says the resident Virgo intern and keeper of the blog as she takes on her groundbreaking, new internal role as universal messenger (subtly seeking approval and affirmation via this post)). They’re workaholics who won’t quit until their work comes as close to perfection as possible. With their intense critical thinking skills, analytical nature and keen eye for detail, the Virgo in your office is definitely keeping tabs on the work everyone else is doing, and secretly scoring your competence level based on the grammatical accuracy of your emails.
I’d like to tell Virgo to chill out a little this month, pull back on the “all work no play” throttle for once in your life my goodness. But alas, the universe is aligned at this moment in time so that you should in fact do the exact opposite. Here’s why:


On September 6th, Mercury enters Virgo

— which is huge. Mercury is Virgo’s ruling sign and never fails to make a splash, good or bad, in their work, social or romantic life. This time around, Mercury will bring Virgo out of their beloved shell and catapult them into a period of profound creativity. So don’t be afraid to express yourself in every area of your work this month, Virgo.
Ruling Mercury paired with Jupiter’s presence in your communication center until November means that grace and charm will literally be pouring out of you and into the conversations you have this month. Use this energy to have that meeting with your boss you’ve been thinking about for weeks. Tell your team about the passion project you’ve been dreaming up, then take a leap of faith and do the damn thing. Your intelligence, common sense and committed attitude will convince those around you that your ideas are good ones.


There’s no better time to start something new than when there is a new moon in the sky.

A new lunar cycle begins September 9th, which is why this week is the perfect time to craft a clean slate and then immediately take on new ideas in big ways. This might sound like a bold move, but trust me Virgo, the stars have your back. Mars moves into your work sector on September 10th, and this time, he means business. Mars’ presence will spark ambition, endurance and major momentum within you. Use these forces of nature to excel in your workplace like I know you want to. Virgos thrive on success, especially the kind that comes from within.


Basically, Virgo, the time is now. Go big or go home this month, the universe has placed the ball in your court. Make that massive to do list and start checking things off, big and small. Channel your inner Beyonce (also a virgo) and make sh*t happen!


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