Dos Mundos Creative Client Zelf Highlighted in Forbes.

As a Change Agency we have an ideal client type : ✅ visionaries, ✅ tech geniuses & ✅ humanitarians — Zelf ticks all the boxes!

DMC Strategy & Deliverables client Zelf AI was recently cited in a publication by Forbes discussing how TikTok is involved in 2024 Election conversations.  Zelf CEO & Founder Pepijn van Kesteren is passionatie about making the valuable insights TikTok can provide accessible — and we are so excited to see that come to life in such a meaningful way here.

Zelf AI is showing the world hard-to-gather TikTok data that can help inform campaign strategists with the realtime data and brand sentiments that will be needed to win this race — as well as with a highly targeted AI comment dashboard that brand managers can approve en masse to rollout impactful digital canvassing strategies.

 → Check out Zelf’s first Political Report which shares one-of-a-kind TikTok insights and analysis on the current political climate.

Excerpt from Forbes: “New Data Shows How The 2024 Election Is Playing Out On TikTok”, by Emily Baker-White

Data…provided by a TikTok analytics firm called Zelf, tracks one of the most dizzying few weeks in American politics in recent memory, quantifying TikTok discourse for the first time in a way that could supplement other political benchmarking like polls and focus groups. 

And it offers one of the first data-driven looks at Vice President Kamala Harris’s candidacy, a digital phenomenon that has captures the American political zeitgeist in recent days.”

→ View the article in Forbes.

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