CREATIVE LIVING | Love + The Creative Process
[tatsu_section padding= “90px 0% 90px 0%”][tatsu_row layout= “1/1”][tatsu_column layout= “1/1”][tatsu_text max_width= “” wrap_alignment= “center” animation_type= “fadeIn”] Today we wanted to do something a little different and share something more personal, Let me start off by introducing myself – Hi, I’m Kana ( the blonde one), co-founder of @dosmundoscreative and the primary Instagram poster for this […]
EVENTS | Live from the Superbowl 2017
[tatsu_section padding= “90px 0% 90px 0%”][tatsu_row layout= “1/1”][tatsu_column layout= “1/1”][tatsu_text max_width= “” wrap_alignment= “center” animation_type= “fadeIn”] You like football ? How about parties? NFL players and celebrities ? What about ALL of those things topped with best darn vodka in Texas? Well this year, you can get an inside look at the entire event by following […]
EVENT | SANTA PAWS I | Charity Event Benefiting the Greyhounds of America — Central Texas
[tatsu_section padding= “90px 0% 90px 0%”][tatsu_row layout= “1/1”][tatsu_column layout= “1/1”][tatsu_text max_width= “” wrap_alignment= “center” animation_type= “fadeIn”]We had such a great time shooting at HACIENDA Austin to raise money for Greyhound Pets of America-Central Texas thanks to everyone who came out with your adorable fur-babies![/tatsu_text][tatsu_text max_width= “” wrap_alignment= “center” animation_type= “fadeIn”] Save[/tatsu_text][/tatsu_column][/tatsu_row][/tatsu_section]