Marfa, Texas
MARFA, TEXAS Last week my friends and I took a weekend trip to Marfa, Texas. The coolest, tiniest, and artsiest town west of the Mississippi. The place is mostly full of art junkies and southern hipsters who exiled themselves to such a place for the good of their own work — even the longtime locals […]
EVENT | Dos Mundos Creative Turns One
[tatsu_section padding= “90px 0% 90px 0%”][tatsu_row layout= “1/1”][tatsu_column layout= “1/1”][tatsu_text max_width= “” wrap_alignment= “center” animation_type= “fadeIn”] Join Dos Mundos Creative on Tuesday, May 3rd from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm as they celebrate their first year of business with free portraits, a screen printing workshop, complimentary snacks provided by Blenders & Bowls and cocktails provided by Austin Cocktails. […]
TRAVEL | 4 Tips for Maximizing Your Trip to Costa Rica
[tatsu_section padding= “90px 0% 90px 0%”][tatsu_row layout= “1/1”][tatsu_column layout= “1/1”][tatsu_text max_width= “” wrap_alignment= “center” animation_type= “fadeIn”]When you tell people you’re traveling to Costa Rica, you hear the same statement, “I’ve been there, and you’re going to love it.” Typically I have chosen to make up my own mind about travel destinations, getting lost in the […]