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Scorpio season is now in full swing!
I find it fitting that the beginning of Scorpio season falls within the spookiest month of all — October. Scorpions are scary, to say the least. And such an accurate representation of the snappy, hard outer shell secret-softies that constitute the Scorpio persona that we all know and love (or love-hate).
I think I speak for us all when I say October and November can be such busy months. The summer serenity is long gone, the cold weather is rolling in, and your workload is amping up. But if there’s anyone who can deal with the struggles that this time of year brings, it’s a focused, balanced and passionate Scorpio.
This Scorpio season is split down the middle, with hardships at the front end and good times coming later.
Jupiter entered Scorpio this time last year, which was big news for you. This only happens once every 12 years — meaning the big guy won’t be back until 2030 once he heads out on November 8th. The presence of Jupiter catapulted you forward, urged you to take risks, experiment and discover new passions in all facets of life. As Jupiter moves on, take some time to reflect on all that was new, and all that has gone. Lots of growth and expansion over the course of a year means there is lots to ruminate on. Scorpio: get in touch with yourself during this major transformative period, and embrace where you are in this current moment.
October 5th — November 18th will be a bit of a trying time for you, Scorpio.
Venus will be in retrograde in Scorpio… dun dun dun! She goes into retrograde every 18 months, and she’s sure to wreak havoc while on her journey. This go around, you might be left feeling misunderstood or simply out of whack. Your typical intuition and signature self confidence might waiver. If you’re feeling frumpy, bored with your wardrobe and appearance, do not, I repeat, do not do anything drastic! This too shall pass my dears — be patient and wait it out. You’ll snap out of your funk toward the end of the month, and you’ll thank yourself for not acting on urges.
Just hold on until the Sun comes back around to visit!
On October 23rd, the Sun entered Scorpio which might have helped you tremendously in your efforts to crawl out of the retrograde slump. Your natural talents and intelligence will begin to shine through again and take you where you need to go. Take charge like the self-assured Scorpio you are by resuming your place in the spotlight and letting it guide you toward greatness. Your coworkers and peers will follow suit, as they so often do, feeling drawn to your confidence and leadership abilities.
Keep your head level and your arms open!
As Scorpio season comes to a close toward the end of November, your ruling house, Mars, will be present to once again boost your self-confidence and enthusiasm (sensing a theme here?). I feel a bit redundant going on and on about how much fortitude will be falling upon you during the second half of this Scorpio season, but hey, I’m only the messenger! Keep your head level and your arms open to all of the excitement that awaits you over the coming month.
As a Scorpio, you are blessed with a deep understanding of your inner feelings, which other signs envy. You’ll say whatever is on your mind (even if it verges on oversharing). Use your fearlessness and kickass-ery for good, Scorpio, demanding respect when it is needed. Use your passionate nature and strong will to inspire you and those around you to do the damn thing, this month and all that follow.